
If you’re in a dangerous situation or you’re worried about the warning signs of your partner becoming physically, verbally and/or emotionally abusive, the guides and safe resources can help you get the help and support you deserve. 

Seek Then Speak App

Seek Then Speak is a tool for sexual assault survivors and support people.

  • In SEEK, you can privately gather information and explore your options for medical care, supportive services, and reporting to police.
  • If you choose, you can even begin the process of reporting to police by completing a self-guided interview in SPEAK.

Off Campus

Support for Undocumented Folx

Survivor Support Services will not reveal any information related to your immigration status without your permission. Prior to filing a complaint we will work with you to seek counsel from immigration/anti-gender violence lawyer in order to ensure your protection. We can connect you with counsel both at a local and national level. Below are some of the local and national organizations that we can connect you with for services: 

Support for Male Survivors